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Showing posts with label L'Oréal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label L'Oréal. Show all posts

The Difference between a Hair Conditioner & a Hair Reconstructor

Feel the power of a good hair reconstructor! A hair reconstructor is different from a hair conditioner. It actually penetrates the hair shaft and deposits strengthening components to make it resist breakage. Protein is usually a major ingredient in reconstructors. You may notice that your hair feels coarse and coated after using a reconstructor but don't fret, because the ingredients in the hair reconstructor actually coat the hair for additional protection. It's common practice to use a moisturizing conditioner following a reconstructor in order to soften the hair a bit. One of the best reconstructors on the market is Hair Fixer by L'Oreal.

Get into the habit of treating your hair gently. Handle it like it's fragile, no matter how strong and healthy you think it is. If you weave your hair, think of this hairstyling option as a way to

L'OréalImage via Wikipedia

give your natural hair a rest. Make sure that with whatever technique you use to weave your hair, you maintain your real hair right along with it!

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