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Showing posts with label weaving hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weaving hair. Show all posts

Choosing Your Weaving Hair

When doing a weaving hair, it is important to purchase weaving hair that is as close to your own grade of hair as possible. “Grade of hair” simply means your hair type. This means, is your hair thick, thin, kinky, straight, curly, etc. That is, you must ask yourself, “what is my hair like after I have washed and blow dried it?”. Your “grade of hair” will be determined by that answer. If after you have washed and air dried your hair, when you touch your hair and it is straight? If so, then the grade of your hair is considered to be “straight”. If after you have washed and air dried your hair, your hair feels curly, then your grade of hair is “curly”. If after you have washed and air dried your hair, your hair is kinky, then the grade of your hair is considered to be “kinky”.

Knowing this information is very important when it comes to picking weave in hair that is a good match of you.